National Bank of Canada Visit ATA IT for our Recent Hackathon

ATA IT Hackathon 2023 National Bank of Canada

Last May, ATA IT welcomed our colleagues from National Bank of Canada to our offices in Bangkok, Thailand for our first joint Hackathon event – Wizards of the Cloud 2023 – a 4-day Harry Potter themed event to create innovative solutions, encourage team building and strengthen ties between companies.

The Hogwarts-esque atmosphere of the event was nothing short of magical. The office was transformed into a mini-Hogwarts with floating candles, wizard hats, and plenty of butterbeer. It made for a lively and engaging atmosphere that encouraged camaraderie and creativity.

Driving Innovation Together

On Day 1, The participants were assigned into the three teams – Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Slytherin – then took partin  team building exercises to inject a sense of fun and excitement into the event but also play a crucial role in fostering initial connections between members of different teams. Each team consisted of professionals from both companies, encouraging interaction, collaboration, and exchange of knowledge.

In addition to the main migration task, each team was also responsible for presenting an innovative solution that they believed would enhance the efficiency of the migration process. The competitive spirit that emerged was balanced with the understanding that this was a learning experience, a moment for professionals to step out of their comfort zones and experiment with new methods, technologies, and approaches. The exchange of ideas, the intermingling of different work styles and methodologies, led to the creation of several path-breaking solutions.

Each day was filled with high-energy, focused work sessions and, at the end of the event, the team that migrated the most APIs and proposed the most innovative solution was crowned the “Wizards of the Cloud.” However, the spirit of the event was not lost in the competition. Instead, it was the shared sense of achievement and the memories created that everyone carried back to their muggle homes.

The Power of Connection

Post-event, the benefits of Wizards of the Cloud 2023 became evident. The teams found that they could communicate more effectively with their distant colleagues, having shared this unique, immersive experience. As the teams returned to their regular operations, they took with them not just new techniques and skills, but also a deepened appreciation of the advantages of collaboration.

The process was not just about upgrading the technology, it was a bold step to upgrade the human connections between both companies. It was the first, but definitely not the last. With the overwhelming positive feedback received, ATA IT and the National Bank of Canada have already started planning for their next hackathon event. The success of Wizards of the Cloud 2023 has set a high bar, but both organizations are more than ready to exceed expectations in their continuous journey of innovation, collaboration, and growth.

These events prove that companies thrive when they foster a culture of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and respect for diversity. They offer invaluable lessons not only about how to work together better but also about how a shared purpose and vision can bring people from all walks of life together.

In a world where remote working is becoming the norm, and digital transformation is accelerating at an unprecedented pace, initiatives like Wizards of the Cloud 2023 serve as powerful reminders of the importance of personal connections and cross-cultural understanding in our globalized world. They are tangible illustrations of the incredible things that can be achieved when we combine the power of technology with the power of human connection.


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